Spiraling And Cycling

We spiral

We shift, we turn

We circle again and again 

Until one day we realize this cycle does not work anymore 

It is not serving our highest good

It is letting down ourselves and thus those around us 

We have enough 

We see the cycle for what it is 

We begin to work with it 

Understanding it’s shadows, it’s intricacies 

We honor the gifts it has given, how it served for so many years

And then we think we release it. 

We think it’s done

Only to have it show up in new ways a few days, weeks, months down the line 

This is the cycle of life

Things repeat 

They move through seasons

They spring forth into our awareness 

Then in the summer sun we set our sights on them to bring about change 

We rejoice in the sun as we then let the fall leaves take what no longer serves us away 

We honor their wisdom and let them sink into the belly of the earth to reincarnate to something new 

Then winter sets in and they are no where to be found. We relax into the calmness of the time of hibernation. 

Only to have the flowers blossom again

The cycle returns 

The thing is that there are immense teachings in these cycles 

Each year the tree grows 

It’s roots become more firm, sourcing from the most nutritious soil

Branches expand into their becoming 

New leaves and ideas emerge into the vastness of the sky 

We reach higher and higher into our becoming 

We can learn from the cycles of the earth 

We don’t have to get down on ourselves each time we see a cycle repeated 

What we can do instead is begin to honor the lesson that our soul is trying to teach us 

We can rejoice in knowing that we are human 

We can start again. And again. And again. 

We can reach for new tools 

Tools of pleasure and joy 

We can dance, sing, meditate, ritualize, write or whatever it is we need to do to come back home into ourselves. To honor our souls calling. 

It is normal to feel out of alignment and then sink back into our truth. It is through these contrasts that we learn what we truly desire.

And then we reach farther into the depths of our creations

and We Manifest. 


Body Scan Meditation


Activating Our Sacred “No”